Advanced Due Diligence and Manager Selection

An in-depth course on investigating, analyzing, selecting, and monitoring asset management organizations.

The Missing Link

The qualitative assessment of investment organizations requires skills and techniques beyond knowing about investments and how they work.  This course unveils the kind of explanatory depth that is needed to identify an organization that can survive and excel over the long term.

Write your awesome label here.

Considering what's known and uncovering what's not

The course takes a deep dive into the evaluation of investment management organizations, including sections on culture, beliefs/philosophy, human capital, incentives, organizational structure, investment process, capacity, portfolio construction, performance, fees, and many other topics.   See the list below.  An exploration unlike any you've done before.
Write your awesome label here.

Indentifying preferences and
 weighing pros and cons

There are tens of thousands of vehicles, strategies, and managers.  Picking from them starts with building a framework that fits your organization and its resources, takes advantage of a differential approach to due diligence, and is realistic about the choices that are available.  We walk through the pieces of the puzzle, identifying best and "next" practices.

For You or For Your Team

If you are interested in taking the course on your own, sign up now, it's ready to go.

Would you like a more personalized experience?  Select the
Course Plus Coaching option.

For a group or team, there are some other options you should consider:

 Discounted group prices, with each person working at their own pace.

 A customized, coordinated set of materials with some online group sessions.

 In-depth workshop experiences focused on specific course topics that are of particular interest.

 A consulting project that combines an examination of your organization with training.

See a summary of due diligence resources available from The Investment Ecosystem.

Email us for more information, or schedule a phone call or Zoom session.

A short course, "Analyzing Investment Process," featuring the process module of this course, is also available.  Its cost is credited if you then want to take the whole course.  More information here.

The Structure of the Course

The list of modules in the course appears below.  The modules are released on a weekly basis
over a period of fifteen weeks.

The modules of the course (see the list below) consist of three kinds of activities.

Presentations cover the main considerations for the topic area.  Most are 10-30 minutes.

Ebooks expand upon those ideas and add other ones.  They are packed full of links to further material.

Exercises are questions designed to help you examine and expand your approach to each area.

While it is the quality of the content that matters most, the quantity of it allows you to immerse yourself in the ideas important to you.  There are almost twelve hours of presentations, more than a hundred thousand words in the ebooks, and hundreds of links to primary sources and additional readings.

The sessions are self-study; Tom Brakke is available to answer questions and provide assistance.

For a guided and personalized exploration of the material, sign up for the Course Plus Coaching option.





The Ecosystem





Manager Characteristics



Human Capital



Decision Making


Complexity and Transparency




Portfolio Analysis


Topics and Cases

Diligence and Selection 

Decision Environment

Intelligence Analysis

Sources of Ideas

Information Gathering



Operational Due Diligence

Third-party Research



Manager Selection

Ongoing Research

Judging Quality

"I've never thought about it that way before."

This reaction from a workshop attendee is representative of comments that have been received.
The goal of this course is to challenge participants by examining new avenues for discovery.

Meet the instructor

Tom Brakke, CFA

Consultant, author, and creator of
The Investment Ecosystem.

Tom has held investment and leadership positions at a major investment firm, and evaluated and/or provided consulting and advisory services to asset managers, institutional asset owners, advisory firms, consultants, and research firms.

As an instructor, he has trained candidates for the CFA exam and MBA students at a large university, as well as leading public and in-house workshops for investment professionals.  Tom writes extensively about the investment world and has spoken at many industry meetings and conferences.